Friday, April 10, 2009

Speed up your broadband link

Here are some troubleshooting tips to try to speed up your broadband connection.
You can check your broadband connection speed with a free online test,such as
Spring cleaning your computer - delect old webpages and infomation that your machine automatically stores when you surf the Intenet. In Internet Explorer, go to Tool then Internet Option and click on delete files,delete cookies and clear history.
Like the roads,the Internet gets clogged during busy periods.Consider using the Internet outside peak hours.
Also,viruses and spyware can ruin a computer's performance. Run antivirus programs regularly.and switch off any filesharing applications.These can slow down your connection.
Check your router and the quality of the phone wiring,resetting your router or changing it may help.


jepunlauee said...

wow,another good tips are great...I never miss your post whenever you post about computer's information or internet informations..hehe..
Guess like you got a curious lauee learning IT with your knowledge..hahaha..

siewSiANlang said...

JLE,thank you,I hope you'll help me spread these tips to those in need.